Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hey guys! Its me cronky09. It was my 100 bday today!

Hey guys! it was my 100 bday today. It was so asome. The person who made it for me was kilabeez! He is so nice. And canab came too! He made a bday cake for me! Thankyou canab for that. It was asome. I will post pictures of it later. Well i only had time to take one picture. Anyway thankyou kilabeez for the great party you planned and thankyou canab for the cake and the rainbow! Well have a great day chobots! If you need help please comment what you need help on and i will help you on anything.


  1. I'm glad you had a good party. My party was horrible. There were only 4 people there (counting myself). But I'm glad you didn't have a horrible party like mine was.

  2. Its ok maby i can help you with making a party ill ivite everybody i know and everybody they know
