Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Party instead of meeting

hi guys its kilabeez and my blog has now over 3,000 hits and so i decided that we r going to have a little party.
When: Friday July 3rd
Time: 19:00
server: milky-way
where: Park

we are going to have a lot of fun and i hope everyone can make it thanks again.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hey guys! Its me cronky09. It was my 100 bday today!

Hey guys! it was my 100 bday today. It was so asome. The person who made it for me was kilabeez! He is so nice. And canab came too! He made a bday cake for me! Thankyou canab for that. It was asome. I will post pictures of it later. Well i only had time to take one picture. Anyway thankyou kilabeez for the great party you planned and thankyou canab for the cake and the rainbow! Well have a great day chobots! If you need help please comment what you need help on and i will help you on anything.

Y isnt he an agent lol

Okay guys you all already know him hes a great chobot named
cronky09. He spends most of his days on chobots helping people telling me glitches so that i can report them for him and gives great suggestions. Everyone do your part and help my buddy out cause he not only deserves to be a agent hes worked hard to become an agent so thank you cronky for all your help

New Glitch

okay guys i just found this like 2 seconds ago okay you know how the glasses make your head big and the bib makes your body fat. Well okay i went home and my head was big that was usual but when i left my home this is what happened.

My body is now fat and my head is not big i wonder why this is happening

Blog of the week

hey guys Romanbots gang was 2nd for blog of the week on vayerman's site. That's great thanks guys o also thanks hiki

Thanks basia

thanks basia its sad that the servers were reset cause your drawing disappeared.

thanks paris

thanks paris

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy Birthday canab oh and Thankyou canab!

Thankyou canab for always bieng there to help chobots.
And thankyou for helping chobots learn new things.
You are probaly the best mod and develapor ive ever ment.
You are doing such a great job on protecting chobots.
And other mods like hikik and monkee and all the others have been doing a great job.
I relized chobots realy does need mods to help people.
So i just wanted to say thankyou. Or should i say a big thankyou!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Canab's 350th bday party

we had fun while everyone was still playing sliders thinking canab was still there lol while he rained and made us big.
thanks again canab happy bday

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Big party just for watex!

Hey chobots this is watex's party. He was at the cafe and a hole bunch of people crowded him. He didnt know why so he made it into a party! You can see watex in the middle of the crowd. He has the red circle around him. I think its kind of funny that out of no where people crowded him and he made a party out of it. Well anyway i just wanted to share this with you guys. Oh and im going to talk to kilabeez about haveing a big contest. So stay tuned and see if we have a contest!

Friday, June 5, 2009

thanks verrac

Thanks verrac he drew this for me.